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Stage Affiliate

Stage is all about getting you what you deserve and creating ways for you to monetize your social media. We are currently offering an affiliate program that actually rewards you for growing your future audience, while simultaneously helping your friends and followers earn more money with the Pre-Launch Pass.

Sign Up Now to get your affiliate link. This link will be used to track how many Follower Sign-Ups you have created so that you can earn your rewards. To create more conversions it is important to educate your audience on what Stage is. Please view our brief summary below on what makes Stage valuable and how it works.


Stage Is The future of Social Media

Stage is the platform that will upgrade both viewers entertainment, and the creators ability to generate the content they envision. Stage fixes the issue of creators not being able to generate income directly from their entertainment. By monetizing the content of creators, viewers are empowering themselves in three major ways.


1. Viewers can make money from their comments. - Stage empowers viewers to gain money for their entertainment value created. If another user likes your comment, you are rewarded for your post and able to profit off of it .


2.Upgrade your social media entertainment- Monetizing the content of creators allows them to invest more into their entertainment to create even better entertainment for you. Every amount of growth a creator experiences on Stage, will allow them to create even more of what you love.


3.Greenlight your entertainment- Monetizing content on Stage allows users to heavily incentivize future content and exclusive videos. Through supporting content you are providing a strong incentive for the creator to continue making similar content or continue series they have created. You are essentially incentivizing and providing creators a way to create even better content every video.

Stage Gives People What They Deserve


     Social media companies make billions off of the entertainment value that both viewers and creators make on social sites and give users nothing in return. Instead they actually take from the users and "allegedly" spy on their phones to sell ads. Stage believes users deserve to be treated differently and actually join in on the profits that they are generating. We also are strong believers in privacy and unlike other platforms, we will never sell your data or spy on you. Stage profits from Stage Credits instead of selling your tracked and stored personal information off to advertisers. On our platform you will never be treated as product to be sold or profited from. 


How Does Stage Work?


Upgrade your entertainment-No subscription required 

Stage does not require a monthly subscription. To get started on Stage, you simply select your preferred amount of Stage Credits that you want to start with. Stage Credit allows viewers to receive even better entertainment by supporting the content you like. Every like given on Stage incentivizes the production of even more content that you love. A single Stage Credit is sent along with every like you send on the platform.


Likes are the new stream

A Stage Credit is worth a single cent. This allows viewers to support their favorite creators or friends for almost nothing. The low cost enables the user to meaningfully support the content of others at a cost that is almost non-existent. Although the cost is almost non-existent for supporters, through building an audience on Stage Creators are able to earn:
$10 for every 1,000 Likes
$100 for every 10,000 Likes
$1000 for every 100,000 Likes


Your Stage account is linked to your Paypal account. Once you choose to redeem or withdraw a certain amount of Stage Credits a payout will be made to your PayPal account. Earnings are shared equally with Stage without the purchase of the PreLaunchPass which will increase your earnings from 50% to 80%, Gives you a free $2.50 in Stage Credits, and early access to a creator account.



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